Google has released a new social feature called +1. It enables you to share recommendations with the world right in Google’s search results. To recommend something, all you have to do is click +1 on a webpage or ad you find useful.
Rivaling Facebook’s ‘Like’ button Google aim that the +1 button will be used for internet users to recommend things they have seen on the web and found useful. Other web users will then be able to see these recommendations within search results and will use that information to help them make choices about what sites to look at.
The more +1 recommendations your site gets the more organic traffic you will get from Google, this will have an impact on SEO companies and how they improve your site.
Google has also created a button that can be added to websites enabling people to +1 directly from your site and will work in the same way as facebook like and tweet this buttons already in existence on many websites.
The plus one button looks like this (give it a push!):