security & speed
Website Maintenance
Improve your website security and performance with a monthly maintenance plan.
Over 79% of websites use PHP, every year a new version is released that will make your website load faster and improve security. The organisation that built PHP fully supports each version for two years (speed and security patches).
WordPress also release regular updates that help improve the security of your website and often also include new functionality and performance upgrades. You can update the WordPress version in the admin area yourself, please note by doing so if any compatibility issues arise you will be charged our standard hourly rate to fix them.
The below packages provide monthly maintenance work to keep your website running on the latest versions, and/or design updates to keep your website looking fresh, both at a discounted rate. Please note if your website encounters any malware or you require design updates and you’re not on a maintenance plan you will be charged our standard hourly rate.
The Benefits
Running your website on the latest version of PHP and WordPress helps keep it secure.
Speed / SEO
The difference between the last three versions of PHP resulted in a speed improvement of over 250%. This will help your SEO and conversion rate.
As well as speed improvements new WordPress versions often add extra functionality to the admin area.
The Packages
One hour of maintenance work each month to keep your website secure and loading fast (discounted hourly rate).
Monthly design changes to keep your website looking fresh (also covers small dev tweaks).
Maintenance & Design
The maintenance and design package combined with an added discount.
*Charged on a monthly direct debit. (+VAT)
Sign Me Up
If you’d like to go ahead simply email with your website URL and we’ll take care of the rest.